05. RESTful APIs
FSND C2 L1 A05 RESTful
If you've done some research into developing APIs, you may have come across the term RESTful API. REST stands for Representational State Transfer , which is an architectural style introduced by Roy Fielding in 2000 .
Here's a short summary of the REST principles:
- Uniform Interface : Every rest architecture must have a standardized way of accessing and processing data resources. This include unique resource identifiers (i.e., unique URLs) and self-descriptive messages in the server response that describe how to process the representation (for instance JSON vs XML) of the data resource.
- Stateless : Every client request is self-contained in that the server doesn't need to store any application data in order to make subsequent requests
- Client-Server : There must be both a client and server in the architecture
- Cacheable & Layered System : Caching and layering increases networking efficiency
Match the principles of REST to their descriptions
Description |
Principle |
Cacheable & Layered System |
Stateless |
Uniform Interface |
Client-Server |
Description |
Principle |
Cacheable & Layered System |
Stateless |
Uniform Interface |
Client-Server |